Friday, 24 August 2012

Being lazy

I have done very little these last few days.
Well I say that , but I have sorted through all the girls school uniform to see what still fits and what is needed new. That was fun I can tell you. The only one willing to do it was Jessica but then she is super excited to go back to school and stay there all day and have a packed lunch.
I am not one of those mothers that throws out last years school uniform and starts again from fresh each year. I just think what a waste, especially as Jessica is now wearing some of Kerry's old stuff. I am pretty old school in that respect, I would use something until it has gone beyond what any reasonable person would and then would try to think of a new use for it lol.
Even with me saving as much uniform as poss from last year it will still cost a further £130 to completely kit them all out. How do people afford to start from scratch each year??

I have had a bolt from the blue as well, I made some cupcakes for the Queens Diamond Jubilee earlier on this year. Well, I had completely forgotten about it until my MIL came and said someone came into the shop where she works and asked if I made cupcakes to order. So MIL took her number and now I have a job to make 24 cupcakes for this ladies daughters pregnancy shower. How cool is that??

I have also gotten myself the Kindle app on my phone, which means I have been reading up a storm too. So far this week I have read, 
Rules of Lying by Stephie Smith which was good I would give it 4 out of five,
Confessions of an Entrepreneur by Alana Sugar it was ok, short, well written but nothing of substance I give it 2 out of 5,
My Boyfriend's Back by Chrissy Olinger, This was also a short story but this was great, gripping, funny, and generally a good feel good. If you have seen drop dead gorgeous on t.v you will get what this book is on about I give this one 41/2 out of 5, 
I am part way through another 2 stories and will tell you about them as I get there.

Just a quick update on 'The Wedding' as I have been lazy and not done much but here is where I am up to.

The whole of the top right corner is now complete, also the first three pages on the chart are now done woohoo, 3 down 6 to go lol.

Speak soon x

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