Sunday, 19 August 2012

Double update

I haven't done much on 'The Wedding' over the last two days as  (this section has been removed as it mentions my OH)  and Jade have been doing 'their bit'. It almost killed me letting them take over, I was not a happy bunny lol. Here they are giving it a go.
Thing is  (this section has been removed as it mentions my OH)  really got into it and continued for a couple of hours, while I sat twiddling my thumbs.

Here is the result at the end of Friday
And this is it at the end of Saturday
As you can see, there is more of the white at the top done (that's all I would trust  (this section has been removed as it mentions my OH)  to do without supervision lol.  (this section has been removed as it mentions my OH)  managed around 150 stitches in 2 and 1/2 hours)
We took the girls to the cinema on Saturday to see Top Cat, they do a family special film where it costs just £1 per person (of course if you are like me you will sign up on line and get yourself a further 10% discount)
The younger girls loved it, Jade not so much and I fell asleep half way through.  (this section has been removed as it mentions my OH)  was my pillow lol.

When we got home from the cinema we were greeted by these
Jessica liked the yellow one Emily liked the orange one. We made flags with them here are the girls doing just that.

 In other news Kerry has finished her cross stitch. She is very proud of it and I must say for her first one she has done very well. 

Can't wait for her to give it to Jade as she is so excited about it. 

I have also joined a group that takes photos of their waste jars, so you will see the label TUSAL and a picture like this.
For more information about what this is about then go here to read up more about it.

Anyway off now to cook a Sunday dinner! woohoo getting excited about it how sad am I?

Speak soon x

1 comment:

  1. The butterfly is gorgeous - your daughter must be very proud. TUSAL is great ... although now I am thinking what I am going to do with all the ends. I know one stitcher who then pokes them with needle into stitched pieces for other stitches other than crosses. Thank you for coming by my blog, thought I'd return the favour and answer your question. In my research into gridding I found out one can do it with anything. Normal threads are a common choice. Problem with those is that they fray. I use 'Easy-Count Guideline' it is 100 yards and in Red by R&S Designs inc. It is an American company, but you can get them to post to UK. If you google it comes up. I think it was It is a plastic/thread like the sort one uses in jewellery or fishing. It has instruction how to use it. But essentially when you finish the stitching you just pull it out and it comes out easily. The only problem it is time consuming to put it in. But it makes stitching so much faster and easier, with less mistakes. Hope this helps. And the best part is it's not too expensive, and lasts for a long time. With my HAED project I even just reuse the same pieces again for the next page (saves measuring and cutting).


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